RNames - Relation: 21526

Relation #21526

Name 1 Cabeco de Peao - Formation / Lithostratigraphy - 2 - Portugal
Name 2 Ka1 - TimeSlice_Bergstrom / Chronostratigraphy - 6 - Global
Belongs to No

RNames - Relation #21526: List of References

Relation #21526: List of References

First Author Year Title Link Action
Colmenar, J. et al. 2013 A draboviid brachiopod association from the Upper Ordovician of Portu… https://www.zotero.…
Pereira, S. et al. 2015 The oldest brachymetopid trilobite record from the European peri-Gond… https://www.zotero.…