RNames - Help - FAQ


A: In RNames Stratigraphic units are compiled as Structured_Names. Each stratigraphic unit is made up of unique combinations of a “Name” (e.g. “Saint Paul” , “Rockdale Run”, “Kullsberg Limestone”, “Cahabagnathus sweeti” , or a number like “453.7”), a “Qualifier” (e.g. “Formation”, “Member”, “Regio_Stage”, “Bio_Conodont”), and a “Location” (e.g. “Alabama”, “Baltoscandia”, “China”, “Norway”)

A: Qualifiers qualify names of stratigraphic units. They are made up of a “Qualifier_Name” (e.g. “Formation”, “Member”, “Regio_Stage”, “Bio_Conodont”), a “Stratigraphic_Qualifier” (e.g. “Biostratigraphy”, “Chronostratigraphy”, “absolute Time”) and a “Level”.

A: Locations are regions in which the stratigraphic unit occurs. They are intended to be used in the future for more detailed correlations. Do not enter place names or small geographic units, rather use the country, or in case of very large countries, states, or regions like Siberia, or Baltoscandia.