RNames - Relation: 11198

Relation #11198

Name 1 Oepikodus communis - Bio_Conodont / Biostratigraphy - 1 - North America
Name 2 Fort Cassin - Formation / Lithostratigraphy - 2 - New York
Belongs to No

RNames - Relation #11198: List of References

Relation #11198: List of References

First Author Year Title Link Action
Kröger, B. & Landing, E. 2009 Early Ordovician community evolution with eustatic change through the… https://www.zotero.…
Landing, E. et al. 2011 Tribes Hill-Rochdale formations in east Laurentia: proxies for Early … https://www.zotero.…
Morgan, W. A. 2013 Sequence Stratigraphy of the Great American Carbonate Bank https://www.zotero.…