RNames - Relation: 24844

Relation #24844

Name 1 Amorphognathus ordovicicus - Bio_Conodont / Biostratigraphy - 1 - North Atlantic
Name 2 not specified - Bio_Conodont / Biostratigraphy - 1 - Global
Belongs to No

RNames - Relation #24844: List of References

Relation #24844: List of References

First Author Year Title Link Action
Ainsaar et al. 2010 Middle and Upper Ordovician carbon isotope chemostratigraphy in Balto… https://www.zotero.…
Banks, M. R. & Burrett, C. F. 1980 A preliminary Ordovician biostratigraphy of Tasmania https://www.zotero.…
Batten Hender, K. L. & Dix, G. R. 2006 Facies, geometry and geological significance of Late Ordovician (earl… https://www.zotero.…
Bergström et al. 2010 Katian (Upper Ordovician) δ13C chemostratigraphy and sequence stratig… https://www.zotero.…
Bergström, S. M. 2003 The Red River problem revisited: stratigraphic relationships in the U… https://www.zotero.…
Bergström, S. M. & Leslie, S. A. 2010 The Ordovician zone index conodont Amorphognathus ordovicicus Branson… https://www.zotero.…
Bergström, S. M. & M. Kleffner & et al. 2011 Revision of the position of the Ordovician-Silurian boundary in south… https://www.zotero.…
Ethington, R. L. et al. 2012 Ordovician of the Sauk Megasequence in the Ozark Region of Northern A… https://www.zotero.…
Ferretti, A. et al. 2014 Katian conodonts from the Portrane Limestone: the first Ordovician co… https://www.zotero.…
Goldman, D. et al. 2007 The Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Ka… https://www.zotero.…
Grahn & Nolvak 2007 Ordovician Chitinozoa and biostratigraphy from Skåne and Bornholm, so… https://www.zotero.…
LaRowe, M. 2000 Conodont Biostratigraphy of the Ordovician Bills Creek, Stonington, a… https://www.zotero.…
Lehnert. O. et al. 2005 Cambro-Ordovician sea-level fluctuations and sequence boundaries: the… https://www.zotero.…
Moskalenko, T. A. 1983 Conodonts and biostratigraphy in the Ordovician of the Siberian Plat… https://www.zotero.…
N. V. Sennikov 2019 Ordovician Sedimentary Basins and Paleobiotas of the Gorny Altai http://
Paris, F. et al. 2007 Ordovician chitinozoans and acritarchs from southern and southeastern… https://www.zotero.…
Saltzman, M. R. et al. 2014 Calibration of a conodont apatite-based Ordovician 87Sr/ 86Sr curve t… https://www.zotero.…
Schönlaub, H. P. et al. 2011 The Late Ordovician Glacial Event in the Carnic Alps (Austria) https://www.zotero.…
Sennikov, N. V. 2011 Ordovician Regional Chronostratigraphic Scheme of the Gorny Altai https://www.zotero.…
Sweet 1984 Graphic correlation of upper Middle and Upper Ordovician rocks, North… https://www.zotero.…
Walters, M. et al. 1981 The biostratigraphy of the Nicolet River Formation in Quebec and intr… https://www.zotero.…