RNames - Relation: 22000

Relation #22000

Name 1 Hirnantian - Regio_Stage / Regional Standard - 3 - Mediterranean & North Gondwana
Name 2 Rio Ceira - Group / Lithostratigraphy - 1 - Portugal
Belongs to No

RNames - Relation #22000: List of References

Relation #22000: List of References

First Author Year Title Link Action
Paris, F. 1990 The Ordovician chitinozoan biozones of the Northern Gondwana Domain https://www.zotero.…
Sa, A. A. et al. 2010 A sucessão do Ordovícico Superior de Trás-os-Montes (Zona Centro- Ib… https://www.zotero.…
Young, T. P. 1988 The lithostratigraphy of the upper Ordovician of central Portugal https://www.zotero.…