RNames - Reference

Reference #84

First Author Edwards, C. T. & Saltzman, M. R.
Year 2014
Title Carbon isotope (δ13C carb) stratigraphy of the Lower-Middle Ordovician (Tremadocian-Darriwilian) in the Great Basin, western United States: Implications for global correlation
Link https://www.zotero.org/groups/rnames/items/itemKey/4RRNNP2B

RNames - Reference #84 List of Relations

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Reference #84: List of Relations

Name 1 Name 2 Belongs to Action
1a - TimeSlice_Webby / Chronostratigraphy - 6 - Global Cordylodus lindstromi - Bio_Conodont / Biostratigraphy - 1 - North America 0
1b - TimeSlice_Webby / Chronostratigraphy - 6 - Global Macerodus dianae - Bio_Conodont / Biostratigraphy - 1 - North America 0
1b - TimeSlice_Webby / Chronostratigraphy - 6 - Global low diversity interval - Bio_Conodont / Biostratigraphy - 1 - North America 0
1b - TimeSlice_Webby / Chronostratigraphy - 6 - Global Rossodus manitouensis - Bio_Conodont / Biostratigraphy - 1 - North America 0
1b - TimeSlice_Webby / Chronostratigraphy - 6 - Global Parker Spring - Formation / Lithostratigraphy - 2 - Nevada 0