RNames - Reference

Reference #25

First Author Bergström et al.
Year 2010
Title Katian (Upper Ordovician) δ13C chemostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy in the United States and Baltoscandia: A regional comparison
Link https://www.zotero.org/groups/rnames/items/itemKey/8D2KFRKS

RNames - Reference #25 List of Relations

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Reference #25: List of Relations

Name 1 Name 2 Belongs to Action
Amorphognathus ordovicicus - Bio_Conodont / Biostratigraphy - 1 - North Atlantic Waynesville - Formation / Lithostratigraphy - 2 - Kentucky 0
Amorphognathus ordovicicus - Bio_Conodont / Biostratigraphy - 1 - North Atlantic Liberty - Formation / Lithostratigraphy - 2 - Kentucky 0
Amorphognathus ordovicicus - Bio_Conodont / Biostratigraphy - 1 - North Atlantic Whitewater - Formation / Lithostratigraphy - 2 - Kentucky 0
Amorphognathus ordovicicus - Bio_Conodont / Biostratigraphy - 1 - North Atlantic Elkhorn - Formation / Lithostratigraphy - 2 - Kentucky 0
Amorphognathus ordovicicus - Bio_Conodont / Biostratigraphy - 1 - North Atlantic not specified - Bio_Conodont / Biostratigraphy - 1 - Global 0