RNames - Reference

Reference #129

First Author Owens, R. M. & Servais, T.
Year 2007
Title The Ordovician of the Chondroz Inlier, Belgium: Trilobites from the southeastern margin of Avalonia
Link https://www.zotero.org/groups/rnames/items/itemKey/8XA6HCRB

RNames - Reference #129 List of Relations

Reference #129: List of Relations

Name 1 Name 2 Belongs to Action
1a - TimeSlice_Webby / Chronostratigraphy - 6 - Global Chevlipont - Formation / Lithostratigraphy - 2 - Belgium 0
1a - TimeSlice_Webby / Chronostratigraphy - 6 - Global not specified - Epoch / Chronostratigraphy - 4 - Global 0
4c - TimeSlice_Webby / Chronostratigraphy - 6 - Global Tier d'Olne - Formation / Lithostratigraphy - 2 - Belgium 0
5a - TimeSlice_Webby / Chronostratigraphy - 6 - Global Ombret - Formation / Lithostratigraphy - 2 - Belgium 0
5a - TimeSlice_Webby / Chronostratigraphy - 6 - Global Vitrival-Bruyere - Formation / Lithostratigraphy - 2 - Belgium 0